Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Recycled men anyone?

I don't know why for the life of me I am going to write about this. Usually I keep all my thoughts and everything private, bottled up. Maybe that is the reason for this blog, to let it out and not feel guilty. With facebook, you post it and others in a way are forced to see it, but on here it is different I guess they can chose to open my blog and read.... I have seen so many recycled men on sl and these women fighting over them..! Their like vulchers and in my opinion that is putting it mildly. When a person is either the dumper or the dumpee and usually a guy, I notice these women coming out. I don't know if it is a sense of, I can do better than her with him, I could make him happier or just plain seeing what she can gold dig. What makes this worse is when it's in a group of people and no one ventures out ever to date outside the circle. I think this is just gross, simple.....


  1. There are many more females than males, and not all girls just chase after one guy, so there you go.

    1. I agree not all women are like this, but quite a few are. Gets frustrating...
